7 Reasons Why I’m in Love with Young Living

essential oils natural living Jul 01, 2016



I’m in love and I’m telling the whole world!


While frolicking and rolling around in this lavender field I couldn’t help but feel butterflies. 



I’ve been falling deeply in love with Young Living for a while now, and after coming back from convention and visiting one of their farms, my love for all that they do and stand for is ablaze and I have to tell you why!


One of the most common questions I get is “why Young Living essential oils”? I answered in part in my previous blog post, but there are so many more reasons why I love Young Living than just their amazing seed to seal process. There are 7 reasons actually!


If you missed my last post about my visit to Young Living’s Mona, Utah farm, check it out!


Here are 7 reasons why I’m in love with Young Living!


Gary & Mary Young

7. Gary & Mary Young’s Passion

When I first heard Gary Young Speak, his eyes would continually swell with tears as he would reflect on the lives that have been touched because of Young Living. He continually thanked us for partnering with him in the vision of what health, food, farming and health care can and should look like. While Gary is a visionary and dreamer he is also the real deal when it comes to being a farmer. He cares for the soil and land; knowing that these are the ingredients that make life changing essential oils. Young Living is a mom and pop company who, through Gary and Mary’s passion, excellence and love has exploded these past few years.


6. Providing freedom in both health and finances

Health and finances are both keys to freedom. Without health, you don’t have the freedom to work, and without finances you don’t have the freedom to not work. Because Young Living cares about the whole person, they wanted to create an opportunity for people to experience freedom in both areas. I have seen serious transformation in my energy, immune system and emotional health since using Young Living’s products. Then in sharing about them as a business opportunity, I can attest to the freedom it’s also provided me. I now have the freedom to take my health into my own hands and work my own hours doing something I love. Now that I am not working countless hours at an office job, I can truly take care of my health with more time to exercise, grocery shop, cook, sleep and spend time with my loved ones. If financial freedom is something you’ve been praying for, contact me to find out more about how Young Living generously rewards those who share.



5. Making a difference through the Young Living Foundation

Young Living is doing amazing work through their foundation. Helping establish schools in Ecuador, rebuilding after devastating earthquakes in Nepal and joining the fight to help end human trafficking. The best part is, Young Living covers 100% of the costs to run the foundation. So every dollar you donate goes directly to help a child in need. See more of the transformative work Young Living is doing at Younglivingfoundation.org.


4. Challenging conventional wisdom

Health care (or better put, sick care) is failing us in this country. There are no preventative or alternative measures being supported or funded by conventional wisdom, yet prevention is where true health resides. Young Living is helping us refocus on taking care of and loving our bodies through using essential oils, reducing toxic products, eating well and living less stressed lives so that we can support our bodies through preventative measures.



3. Providing non-toxic products

Just this last week Young Living announced the release of their new Thieves Cough Drops, Cool Azul Pain Cream and Thieves dishwasher soap! These are in addition to all of their other all natural shampoos, soaps, laundry detergents, lotions, toothpastes… the list goes on and on. They are getting toxic supplies out of people’s homes and helping them live healthier.

2. Creating an international impact

Young Living has farms, members and impact all over the world. They say you can make a difference in the world with where you put your money. I love knowing that when I buy from Young Living, more of their message, vision and impact is spreading to the world. The fight for organic farming, the fight for non-toxic products and the fight for preventative health is spreading worldwide and our world needs it.


And for my number one reason….


1. Creating a movement of people who are confident in what their bodies are capable of

Sound familiar? Why, yes, that is my own mission statement, and this same pulse radiates through everything Young Living does and stands for. They honor the human body, they honor the earth and they know that both are miraculous and can do absolutely amazing things if you take care of them. That is why I can stand confidently beside them, and not only buy their products but share them with all who I love and care for.


Are you ready to start transforming your health by getting your hands on some of the best essential oils in the world? If so, click here!

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