Koa's Birth Video

birth Feb 08, 2021



My birth photos and written story can’t begin to capture the sounds I made during birth – especially at the end.


It was an overall very peaceful labor and delivery, but I definitely screamed during the final pushes!


I decided to share my birth video because I want to help women have more examples of real birth – not what is shown in movies or on television. Very often, birth is calm and quiet for most of the time. All this footage is actually during the two hours that I was pushing, so the most intense part of my birth, yet still there is lots of quiet and calm, except at the end ha! People have asked if my scream was from pain, but I wouldn't actually describe it that way. It was more like a scream of power and release of energy. 


To read my birth story head here: Koa's Birth Story Part 1



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