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1:1 Session with Hana

Meeting one-on-one with clients is my favorite part of my job, so please don't hesitate to schedule a session with me!

NOTE: This session is for if you already know how to chart your cycle and would like to meet to review your charts, ask any questions or have a health coaching session.

If you do not yet know how to chart your cycle, then I recommend you take one of my courses: Chart for Birth Control or Chart to Conceive which include a one-on-on session with me, or take my free Intro to Charting mini course.

This session is also for if you have already taken one of my courses and have completed the included one-on-one session, but would like extra support either to review more charts, for health coaching, or for emotional support during your charting journey. 

Questions? Feel free to email me.

I look forward to connecting with you soon!

- xo Hana